Shaw and His Rotating Writing Shed

It’s a rare booklover who doesn’t enjoy learning about the private lives of his/her favorite authors. Sometimes these tidbits of  “literary gossip” turn out to be relevant to the methods those authors use to produce their works.

For example, did you know that George Bernard Shaw liked to write in a shed that he had built to rotate with the movement of the sun across the sky over his back yard? And that photographs exist of said writing shed? Take a look.

Found via the New Yorker’s Book Bench

An Author Makes the Cover of Time

This week’s photograph of U.S. novelist Jonathan Franzen is the first time in a decade that a writer has been depicted on the cover of Time.

Craig Fehrman has posted to The Millions an illustrated and somewhat sardonic look  at the other writers Time has trumpeted on its covers.  

Franzen’s upcoming novel is entitled Freedom.